function DropDownMenu(id) { /* Type of the menu: "horizontal" or "vertical" */ this.type = "horizontal"; /* Delay (in miliseconds >= 0): show-hide menu * Hide must be > 0 */ this.delay = { "show": 0, "hide": 400 } /* Change the default position of sub-menu by Y pixels from top and X pixels from left * Negative values are allowed */ this.position = { "level1": { "top": 0, "left": 0}, "levelX": { "top": 0, "left": 0} } /* fix ie selectbox bug ? */ this.fixIeSelectBoxBug = true; /* Z-index property for .section */ this.zIndex = { "visible": 500, "hidden": -1 }; // Browser detection this.browser = { "ie": Boolean(document.body.currentStyle), "ie5": (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.5") != -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.0") != -1), "ie6": (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.0") != -1), "ie6": (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.0") != -1) }; if (! { this.browser.ie5 = false; this.browser.ie6 = false; } /* Reinitialize the menu */ this.reinit = function() { //if (!document.getElementById( { return alert("DropDownMenuX.init() failed. Element '"+ +"' does not exist."); } //if (this.type != "horizontal" && this.type != "vertical") { return alert("DropDownMenuX.init() failed. Unknown menu type: '"+this.type+"'"); } //if ( && this.browser.ie5) { fixWrap(); } //refixSections(); reparse(document.getElementById(,,0); } function reparse(nodes,id,level) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (1 != nodes[i].nodeType) { continue; } switch (true) { // .item1 case /\bitem1\b/.test(nodes[i].className): level = 0; case /\bitem2\b/.test(nodes[i].className): var l = nodes[i].offsetLeft; break; // .section case /\bsection\b/.test(nodes[i].className): var box2 = document.getElementById(nodes[i].id); if (level==0) { if ("horizontal" == self.type) { if (self.browser.ie5) { = self.position.level1.left + "px"; } else { = l + self.position.level1.left + "px"; } } else if ("vertical" == self.type) { } } else { } break; } if (nodes[i].childNodes) { if (/\bsection\b/.test(nodes[i].className)) { reparse(nodes[i].childNodes,nodes[i].id,(level + 1)); } else { reparse(nodes[i].childNodes,nodes[i].id,(level + 1)); } } } } /* Initialize the menu */ this.init = function() { if (!document.getElementById( { return alert("DropDownMenuX.init() failed. Element '"+ +"' does not exist."); } if (this.type != "horizontal" && this.type != "vertical") { return alert("DropDownMenuX.init() failed. Unknown menu type: '"+this.type+"'"); } if ( && this.browser.ie5) { fixWrap(); } fixSections(); parse(document.getElementById(, this.tree,; } /* Search for .section elements and set width for them */ function fixSections() { var arr = document.getElementById("div"); var sections = new Array(); var widths = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].className == "section") { sections.push(arr[i]); } } for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { widths.push(getMaxWidth(sections[i].childNodes)); } for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { //sections[i].style.width = (widths[i]-2) + "px"; if (sections[i].style.width) sections[i].style.width = (widths[i]-2) + "px"; } if ( { for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { setMaxWidth(sections[i].childNodes, widths[i]-2); } } } function fixWrap() { var elements = document.getElementById("a"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (/item2/.test(elements[i].className)) { elements[i].innerHTML = '
'; } } } /* Search for an element with highest width among given nodes, return that width */ function getMaxWidth(nodes) { var maxWidth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeType != 1 || /section/.test(nodes[i].className)) { continue; } if (nodes[i].offsetWidth > maxWidth) { maxWidth = nodes[i].offsetWidth; } } return maxWidth; } /* Set width for item2 elements */ function setMaxWidth(nodes, maxWidth) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeType == 1 && /item2/.test(nodes[i].className) && nodes[i].currentStyle) { if (self.browser.ie5) { nodes[i].style.width = (maxWidth) + "px"; } else { //var x = (maxWidth - parseInt(nodes[i].currentStyle.paddingLeft) - parseInt(nodes[i].currentStyle.paddingRight)); //if (x<=0) continue; //var z = x + "px"; //nodes[i].style.width = z; nodes[i].style.width = (maxWidth - parseInt(nodes[i].currentStyle.paddingLeft) - parseInt(nodes[i].currentStyle.paddingRight)) + "px"; } } } } /* Kral, 26.10.2008: Automatische verschiebung wenn Fenster zu klein */ /* Get window inner height */ function window_height () { //var myWidth = 0; var myHeight = 0; if( typeof( window.innerHeight ) == 'number' ) { //Non-IE //myWidth = window.innerWidth; myHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) { //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' //myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientHeight ) ) { //IE 4 compatible //myWidth = document.body.clientWidth; myHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } return myHeight; } /* Parse nodes, create events, position elements */ function parse(nodes, tree, id) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (1 != nodes[i].nodeType) { continue; } switch (true) { // .item1 case /\bitem1\b/.test(nodes[i].className): nodes[i].id = id + "-" + tree.length; tree.push(new Array()); nodes[i].onmouseover = itemOver; nodes[i].onmouseout = itemOut; break; // .item2 case /\bitem2\b/.test(nodes[i].className): nodes[i].id = id + "-" + tree.length; tree.push(new Array()); nodes[i].onmouseover = itemOver; nodes[i].onmouseout = itemOut; break; // .section case /\bsection\b/.test(nodes[i].className): // id, events nodes[i].id = id + "-" + (tree.length - 1) + "-section"; nodes[i].onmouseover = sectionOver; nodes[i].onmouseout = sectionOut; // position var box1 = document.getElementById(id + "-" + (tree.length - 1)); var box2 = document.getElementById(nodes[i].id); var el = new Element(; if (1 == el.level) { if ("horizontal" == self.type) { = box1.offsetTop + box1.offsetHeight + + "px"; if (self.browser.ie5) { = self.position.level1.left + "px"; } else { = box1.offsetLeft + self.position.level1.left + "px"; } } else if ("vertical" == self.type) { /* Kral, 26.10.2008: Automatische verschiebung wenn Fenster zu klein */ var unterkante = box2.offsetHeight + box1.offsetTop +; if (unterkante > document.body.clientHeight){ var oberkante = document.body.clientHeight - box2.offsetHeight; if (oberkante<0) oberkante = 0; = oberkante + "px"; }else{ = box1.offsetTop + + "px"; } if (self.browser.ie5) { = box1.offsetWidth + self.position.level1.left + "px"; } else { = box1.offsetLeft + box1.offsetWidth + self.position.level1.left + "px"; } } } else { /* Kral, 26.10.2008: Automatische verschiebung wenn Fenster zu klein */ var unterkante = box2.offsetHeight + box1.offsetTop +; if (unterkante > document.body.clientHeight){ var oberkante = document.body.clientHeight - box2.offsetHeight; if (oberkante<0) oberkante = 0; = oberkante + "px"; }else{ = box1.offsetTop + + "px"; } = box1.offsetLeft + box1.offsetWidth + self.position.levelX.left + "px"; } // sections, sectionsShowCnt, sectionsHideCnt self.sections.push(nodes[i].id); self.sectionsShowCnt.push(0); self.sectionsHideCnt.push(0); if (self.fixIeSelectBoxBug && self.browser.ie6) { nodes[i].innerHTML = nodes[i].innerHTML + ''; } break; } if (nodes[i].childNodes) { if (/\bsection\b/.test(nodes[i].className)) { parse(nodes[i].childNodes, tree[tree.length - 1], id + "-" + (tree.length - 1)); } else { parse(nodes[i].childNodes, tree, id); } } } } /* event, item:onmouseover */ function itemOver() { //debug("itemOver("") , visible = " + self.visible); self.itemShowCnt++; var id_section = + "-section"; if (self.visible.length) { var el = new Element(self.visible.getLast()); el = document.getElementById(el.getParent().id); if (/item\d-active/.test(el.className)) { el.className = el.className.replace(/(item\d)-active/, "$1"); } } if (this.parentNode.className=='helpClass'){ = self.zIndex.visible; } if (self.sections.contains(id_section)) { clearTimers(); self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]++; var cnt = self.sectionsShowCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]; var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.showSection(a, b); } } (id_section, cnt),; self.timers.push(timerId); } else { if (self.visible.length) { clearTimers(); var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.showItem(a, b); } } (, self.itemShowCnt),; self.timers.push(timerId); } } } this.itemOver = function (obj) { //debug("itemOver("") , visible = " + self.visible); self.itemShowCnt++; var id_section = + "-section"; if (self.visible.length) { var el = new Element(self.visible.getLast()); el = document.getElementById(el.getParent().id); if (/item\d-active/.test(el.className)) { el.className = el.className.replace(/(item\d)-active/, "$1"); } } if (obj.parentNode.className=='helpClass'){ = self.zIndex.visible; } if (self.sections.contains(id_section)) { clearTimers(); self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]++; var cnt = self.sectionsShowCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]; var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.showSection(a, b); } } (id_section, cnt),; self.timers.push(timerId); } else { if (self.visible.length) { clearTimers(); var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.showItem(a, b); } } (, self.itemShowCnt),; self.timers.push(timerId); } } } /* event, item:onmouseout */ function itemOut() { //debug("itemOut("") , visible = " + self.visible); self.itemShowCnt++; var id_section = + "-section"; if (this.parentNode.className=='helpClass'){ = self.zIndex.visible - 1; } if (self.sections.contains(id_section)) { self.sectionsShowCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]++; if (self.visible.contains(id_section)) { var cnt = self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]; var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.hideSection(a, b); } }(id_section, cnt), self.delay.hide); self.timers.push(timerId); } } } /* event, item:onmouseout */ this.itemOut = function (obj) { //debug("itemOut("") , visible = " + self.visible); self.itemShowCnt++; var id_section = + "-section"; if (obj.parentNode.className=='helpClass'){ = self.zIndex.visible - 1; } if (self.sections.contains(id_section)) { self.sectionsShowCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]++; if (self.visible.contains(id_section)) { var cnt = self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]; var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.hideSection(a, b); } }(id_section, cnt), self.delay.hide); self.timers.push(timerId); } } } /* event, section:onmouseover */ function sectionOver() { //debug("sectionOver("") , visible = " + self.visible); self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(]++; var el = new Element(; var parent = document.getElementById(el.getParent().id); if (!/item\d-active/.test(parent.className)) { parent.className = parent.className.replace(/(item\d)/, "$1-active"); } } /* event, section:onmouseout */ function sectionOut() { //debug("sectionOut("") , visible = " + self.visible); self.sectionsShowCnt[self.sections.indexOf(]++; var cnt = self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(]; var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.hideSection(a, b); } }(, cnt), self.delay.hide); self.timers.push(timerId); } /* Show section (1 argument passed) * Try to show section (2 arguments passed) - check cnt with sectionShowCnt */ this.showSection = function(id, cnt) { if (typeof cnt != "undefined") { if (cnt != this.sectionsShowCnt[this.sections.indexOf(id)]) { return; } } //debug("showSection("+id+", "+cnt+") , visible = " + this.visible); this.sectionsShowCnt[this.sections.indexOf(id)]++; var el = new Element(id); var parents = el.getParentSections(); if (this.visible.length) { if (id == this.visible.getLast()) { return; } //debug("getParentSections("") = " + parents); for (var i = this.visible.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (parents.contains(this.visible[i])) { break; } else { this.hideSection(this.visible[i]); } } } var el = new Element(id); var parent = document.getElementById(el.getParent().id); if (!/item\d-active/.test(parent.className)) { parent.className = parent.className.replace(/(item\d)/, "$1-active"); } if (document.all) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block"; } // Dynamische anpassung der Sektionen if ("vertical--" == self.type) { var cid = id; var total_top = 0; while(typeof cid != "undefined"){ var pcid = cid; var elp = new Element(cid); cid = elp.getParent().id; total_top = total_top + document.getElementById(cid).offsetTop; if (cid==pcid) break; } var window_total_bottom = window_height() + document.documentElement.scrollTop; var oberkante = parent.offsetTop +; var unterkante = total_top + document.getElementById(id).offsetHeight; if (unterkante > window_total_bottom){ var verschiebung_nach_oben = window_total_bottom - unterkante; var oberkante = parent.offsetTop + verschiebung_nach_oben; //if (oberkante<0) oberkante = 0; } document.getElementById(id) = oberkante + "px"; } document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById(id).style.zIndex = this.zIndex.visible; if (this.fixIeSelectBoxBug && this.browser.ie6) { var div = document.getElementById(id); var iframe = document.getElementById(id+"-iframe"); = div.offsetWidth + parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderLeftWidth) + parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderRightWidth); = div.offsetHeight + parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderTopWidth) + parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderBottomWidth); = -parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderTopWidth); = -parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderLeftWidth); = - 1; = "block"; } this.visible.push(id); } /* Emulating an empty non-existent section, we have to hide elements, works like showSection() */ this.showItem = function(id, cnt) { if (typeof cnt != "undefined") { if (cnt != this.itemShowCnt) { return; } } this.itemShowCnt++; if (this.visible.length) { var el = new Element(id + "-section"); var parents = el.getParentSections(); //debug("showItem() getParentSections("") = " + parents); for (var i = this.visible.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (parents.contains(this.visible[i])) { break; } else { this.hideSection(this.visible[i]); } } } } /* Hide section (1 argument passed) * Try to hide section (2 arguments passed) - check cnt with sectionHideCnt */ this.hideSection = function(id, cnt) { if (typeof cnt != "undefined") { if (cnt != this.sectionsHideCnt[this.sections.indexOf(id)]) { return; } if (id == this.visible.getLast()) { //debug("hideSectionAll("+id+", "+cnt+") , visible = " + this.visible); for (var i = this.visible.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.hideSection(this.visible[i]); } return; } } //debug("hideSection("+id+", "+cnt+") , visible = " + this.visible); var el = new Element(id); var parent = document.getElementById(el.getParent().id); if (/item\d-active/.test(parent.className)) { parent.className = parent.className.replace(/(item\d)-active/, "$1"); } document.getElementById(id).style.zIndex = this.zIndex.hidden; document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "hidden"; if (document.all) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; } if (this.fixIeSelectBoxBug && this.browser.ie6) { var iframe = document.getElementById(id+"-iframe"); = "none"; } if (this.visible.contains(id)) { if (id == this.visible.getLast()) { this.visible.pop(); } else { //throw "DropDownMenuX.hideSection('"+id+"', "+cnt+") failed, trying to hide a section that is not the deepest visible section"; return; } } else { //throw "DropDownMenuX.hideSection('"+id+"', "+cnt+") failed, cannot hide element that is not visible"; return; } this.sectionsHideCnt[this.sections.indexOf(id)]++; } /* Element (.section, .item2 etc) */ function Element(id) { = self; = id; /* Get Level of given id * Examples: menu-1 (1 level), menu-1-4 (2 level) */ this.getLevel = function() { var s =; return s.substrCount("-"); } /* Get parent Element */ this.getParent = function() { var s =; var a = s.split("-"); a.pop(); return new Element( + a.join("-")); } /* Check whether an element has a parent element */ this.hasParent = function() { var s =; var a = s.split("-"); return a.length > 2; } /* Check whether an element has a sub-section */ this.hasChilds = function() { return Boolean(document.getElementById( + "-section")); } /* Get parent section elements for current section */ this.getParentSections = function() { var s =; s = s.substr(0, s.length - "-section".length); var a = s.split("-"); a.shift(); a.pop(); var s =; var parents = []; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { s += ("-" + a[i]); parents.push(s + "-section"); } return parents; } this.level = this.getLevel(); } /* Clear all timers set with setTimeout() */ function clearTimers() { for (var i = self.timers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { clearTimeout(self.timers[i]); self.timers.pop(); } } var self = this; = id; /* menu id */ this.tree = []; /* tree structure of menu */ this.sections = []; /* all sections, required for timeout */ this.sectionsShowCnt = []; this.sectionsHideCnt = []; this.itemShowCnt = 0; this.timers = []; // timeout ids this.visible = []; /* visible section, ex. Array("menu-0-section", ..) , succession is important: top to bottom */ } /* Finds the index of the first occurence of item in the array, or -1 if not found */ if (typeof Array.prototype.indexOf == "undefined") { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(item) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] === item) { return i; } } return -1; } } /* Check whether array contains given string */ if (typeof Array.prototype.contains == "undefined") { Array.prototype.contains = function(s) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] === s) { return true; } } return false; } } /* Counts the number of substring occurrences */ if (typeof String.prototype.substrCount == "undefined") { String.prototype.substrCount = function(s) { return this.split(s).length - 1; } } /* Get the last element from the array */ if (typeof Array.prototype.getLast == "undefined") { Array.prototype.getLast = function() { return this[this.length-1]; } }